Data Protection Impact Assessments

Data Protection Impact Assessments are an integral part of taking a “privacy by design” approach. Data Protection Impact Assessments are a tool that The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust use to identify and reduce the privacy risks of projects. Projects could include:

  • Introduction of a new paper or electronic information system for storing and accessing personal data
  • Update or revision of a key system that might alter the way in which the organisation uses, monitors and reports personal data
  • Changes to an existing system where additional personal data will be collected
  • Proposal to collect personal data from a new source or for a new activity
  • Using existing data for a new and unexpected purpose
  • Plans to outsource business processes involving storing and processing personal data
  • Plans to transfer services from one provider to another that include the transfer of information or information systems
  • Changes to or introduction of new information sharing agreements
  • A new surveillance system

A Data Protection Impact Assessment can reduce the risks of harm to individuals through the misuse of their personal information.It can also help us to design more efficient and effective processes for handling personal data.

Below is a table containing a short description of recent Data Protection Impact Assessments that the Trust has undertaken to ensure continued consideration is given to the privacy of its patients and staff:

Name of Data Protection
Impact Assessment
Brief DescriptionFull Scale Data Protection
Impact Assessment Required
Date Signed OffBy Whom
Clinical Utilisation Review (CUR):
Software Transition Project
Transition to a different supplier of Clinical Utilisation Review software.YesJuly 2018Senior Information Risk Owner
e-XchangeParticipation in a regional clinical portalYesOctober 2018Information Governance Board
Referral to the Macmillan eHNA service run by Brio Leisure in West CheshireTo facilitate referrals to the Macmillan eHNA service run by Brio Leisure in West Cheshire for patients with unmet needs who meet the referral criteriaYesOctober 2018Information Governance Board
Clinical Speech RecognitionTo facilitate the implementation of clinical voice recognition to enable clinical staff to use real time voice recognition and reduce turnaround time for clinical documentsYesDecember 2018Caldicott Guardian
Rita SoftwareFacility to use the ‘collage’ and ‘life story’ sections of the reminiscence software already in use in the trust.NoDecember 2019Data Protection Officer
Mobile CRIS ProjectTo facilitate the roll out of the CRIS Mobile solution to enable the implementation of a paper lite environment in RadiologyNoJanuary 2019Data Protection Officer
ePADRTo develop an on line performance management and development review process based on best practice and to help embed a performance and development focused cultureNoMarch 2019Data Protection Officer
MalinkoTo facilitate the roll out of Malinko to help Clatterbridge Cancer Centre manage the community treatment team through automating and optimizing the patient appointment allocation process.YesJune 2019Data Protection Officer
My Medical RecordTo facilitate the roll out of The My Medical Record service is a personal health record (PHR) for patients/healthcare service users and medical professionals. It is used to support the provision of healthcare for several clinical conditions YesOctober 2019Senior Information Risk Owner
eConsentTo provide an electronic solution for obtaining patient consent forms for treatment.YesFebruary 2020Caldicott Guardian
CCTV in the Isolators at Clatterbridge Cancer Centre - LiverpoolTo facilitate the installation of CCTV in the Pharmacy Department Isolators to enable monitoring of settle and finger plates for any growth and therefore out of specification resultsYesFebruary 2020Caldicott Guardian
DLC Custom Model DevelopmentTo facilitate the creation of custom DLCExpert models to allow auto-contouring on radiotherapy CT scansNoFebruary 2020Data Protection Officer
Referro TelehealthTo facilitate the roll out of a Telehealth solution across the Trust to provide clinicians and patients with a stable, secure and robust video Conference systemYesFebruary 2020Deputy Caldicott Guardian
ICNetTo facilitate the use of a clinical surveillance platform used to support infection prevention and controlYesApril 2020Caldicott Guardian
Electronic Transfer of Care to PharmacyTo facilitate the electronic transfer of information relating to discharge medication to the patient’s designated community pharmacy YesApril 2020Caldicott Guardian
Blood360To facilitate the implementation of a electronic blood tracking systemYesMay 2020Caldicott Guardian
Teenage Cancer Trust IAM PortalTo facilitate the implementation of a Teenage & Young Adult IAM system enabling professionals and young people to work in partnership through the young person’s cancer journey, living with and beyond cancer.YesMay 2020Caldicott Guardian
CATCHService evaluation to support work on the COVID-19 pandemic for radiotherapyNoMay 2020Data Protection Officer
Adaptive Radiotherapy CollaborationPrototype software for adaptive radiotherapy will analyse images acquired through the course of a radiotherapy treatment and advise users on the impact of patient anatomical changes on the delivered doseNoMay 2020Data Protection Officer
Wirral HIE/MIG Data SharingThe data is intended for use in clinical settings and provides health professionals with access to a patient’s Primary Care Record, Community Care Record or Hospital Record.YesAugust 2020Data Protection Officer
CIPHAShare2Care is a collaborative programme between Cheshire and Merseyside and the Lancashire & South Cumbria Health and Care Partnerships to deliver the electronic sharing of health and care recordsYesSeptember 2020Data Protection Officer
Datix CloudIQChange from Datixweb to Datix CloudIQ.YesOctober
Caldicott Guardian
National COVID-19 Chest Imaging Database (NCCID)To facilitate the creation a national database of chest X-ray, CT and MR images and other relevant patient information that enables the development and validation of automated analysis technologies that may prove effective in supporting COVID-19 care pathways.YesOctober
Senior Information Risk Owner, NHS England
Text Reminders - RadiologyTo facilitate the implementation of text reminders for radiology appointments NoApril 2021Data Protection Officer

A copy of the Trust’s Data Protection Impact Assessments are available upon request. Please email to request copies.

This page was last reviewed in May 2021