Clinical letters to patients

If you have any queries about the content of your letter, please ring The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support help line on 0151 556 5570 from 10.00am – 16.00pm Monday to Friday.

Alternatively, you can contact the PALS helpline on 0151 556 5203.

From 1st October 2018 all patients at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre will be sent a copy of any letters sent by their consultant after a clinic appointment to their GP or other agencies involved in their care. We are committed to enabling patients choose if they would like to receive copies of clinicians’ letters about them. We hope that this information will help you to decide if you want to receive a copy of your letters, and you can also discuss it in more detail during your consultation with the doctor.

Only the patient, or in the case of a child, a parent/guardian can request to opt out of receiving copies of clinical letters, and you can change your mind at any time.

Further down this page there is a link to an Opt Out form if you prefer not to receive copies of these letters.

The information below may help you decide if you want to receive a copy of your letters and what to do if you choose not to. Should you decide not to receive copies, you can change your mind at any time.

What are the benefits for me?

The Department of Health has identified the following potential benefits:

  • More trust between patients and clinicians
  • Patients have a better understanding of their condition and how they can help themselves
  • Patients are more informed and more able to make decisions about treatment options
  • Patients who understand the reasons for following advice are more likely to comply
  • More accurate demographic records. For example, any address or date of birth errors can be spotted and corrected by the patient
  • Patients are better prepared for their treatment and less anxious
  • The letters reinforce advice on self-care and lifestyles

Are there any reasons I would not receive clinical letters?

  • An exception may be if the doctor or healthcare professional feels it is not in your best interests to receive the information contained within the letter (your doctor will discuss this with you)

Why would I choose not to receive the letters?

Some considerations include:

  • You do not want written information about your illness - there may be information in the letter that could upset you
  • You believe you have sufficient information
  • You have problems with privacy at home and do not want other members of your family to know about your illness

What if I need the information in a different format?

If letters are not suitable, please inform us and we will endeavour to provide the information in another way, such as an audio recording, large print or a different language.

I have made my decision

  • I want a copy

If you decide you want a copy of your clinical letters, you don’t need to do anything.

We will make every effort to ensure your confidentiality is maintained; however, we cannot be held responsible for postal service breaches of confidentiality where letters are misdirected and read by someone other than you.

Your letters can be sent to another address if you prefer, but you must let us know. Please contact your consultant’s secretary to change the address.

  • I don’t want a copy

If you decide you do not want a copy of your letters, there are two options to opt out.

You can print out the opt out form on the last page of this information leaflet and return it to your consultant's secretary.

Or you can complete the electronic opt out form below. The form will be automatically sent to your medical team at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre when you click opt out.

You can change your mind at any time by contacting your consultant's secretary to opt back in to receiving copies of your clinical letters.


If you have any queries about the content of your letter, please ring The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support help line on 0151 556 5570 from 10.00am – 16.00pm Monday to Friday.

Alternatively, you can contact the PALS helpline on 0151 556 5203.