Coronavirus (COVID-19) – FAQs for patients and visitors

Cancer and coronavirus (COVID-19)

Does having cancer affect my risk of COVID-19?

Having cancer may mean your immune system is less able to fight infections than other people’s immune systems. You can help to reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill from coronavirus by following the national guidance. Some people with cancer are at high risk from COVID-19 and should take extra precautions.

Who is at high risk from COVID-19?

People having certain types of cancer treatment and people who have specific cancers are at greater risk of getting seriously ill from coronavirus. The links below provide more information about who is at risk and the extra steps you can take to avoid catching it:

  • Advice for people at high risk (summary)
  • Full guidance for people previously advised to shield as they were at high risk
  • Advice for households with possible COVID-19 infection

  • I share a house with someone at high risk from COVID-19 because of their cancer. How can I help reduce the risk?

    Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 will help reduce the risk of you catching the virus and passing it on to others in your household. For maximum protection, most people are advised to get two doses of vaccine, followed by a booster.

    You can also reduce the risk by taking reasonable precautions such as testing yourself regularly with lateral flow kits, wearing a face covering in public places, social distancing, washing your heads regularly with soap and warm water, ventilating rooms to allow fresh air to circulate, and avoiding very busy places where possible.

    I am at high risk from COVID-19 but a family member in my household has developed symptoms. What should I do?

    It is important that you follow the national guidance on what to do if you share a house with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19.

    What information and advice is available in easy-read, BSL, large-print & other languages?

    The Government has published information about coronavirus in a wide range of formats, including:

    • Easy read
    • Large print
    • Leaflets in other languages
    • British Sign Language (video)

    Patient appointments & COVID-19

    Should I attend my appointment at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre?

    We have lots of measures in place to keep you safe while on our sites. If we have asked you to attend hospital, it is very important that you come. The only exception is if you or a member of your household have COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19. If so, contact your specialist care team or our Hotline (0800 169 5555) for advice.

    Can I bring someone with me to my appointment?

    To keep our patients and staff safe, we are limiting access to our sites in line with the national NHS guidance. There are some circumstances in which you can bring a visitor or chaperone with you. Find out more about our current visiting policy and other arrangements in place to support patients at this time.

    Is it safe for me to attend hospital for my treatment if I have to travel by public transport?

    Patient transport can be arranged. Details of the relevant Transport Department will be supplied on the bottom of your appointment letter so please contact them to arrange this. If you do not have an appointment letter, please contact your consultant’s secretary and they will be able to provide you with the details.

    Visitors & COVID-19

    Why is The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre restricting visitors?

    To keep our patients and staff safe, we are limiting access to our sites in line with the national NHS guidance. There are some circumstances in which you can bring a visitor or chaperone with you. Find out more more about our current visiting policy and other arrangements in place to support patients at this time.

    What does this mean for wheelchair users and others who may have difficulty walking to their appointment unaided?

    Our staff will meet them at reception and take them through for their appointment. A staff member will also escort them back to reception after their appointment.

    Where can I find the latest information on any changes to the Visitor Policy?

    Our website and social media channels have all the latest information about our Visitor Policy. We are keeping them updated so please check here before you visit. Information is also available on our social media accounts: our Twitter and Facebook handles are @CCCNHS.

    We will also update this list of frequently-asked questions with the latest NHS guidance and any changes relating to COVID-19.

    Medication & treatment - COVID-19

    Will COVID-19 affect the medication/treatment I receive?

    We continued providing cancer care throughout the pandemic and had special measures in place to keep people safe. Clinicians carefully balance the benefits and risks of all patient treatments (including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy) in line with government and national advice.

    Many outpatient appointments can now take place as phone or video consultations to reduce the need for people to travel to hospital.