Physics Research Output

January 2010 - February 2011

Papers in peer - reviewed research journals

Fenwick JD, Pardo-Montero J., Homogenized blocked arcs for multicriteria optimization of radiotherapy: analytical and numerical solutions. Med Phys. 37 2194-206 2010.

Iori M, Cagni E, Paiusco M, Munro P, Nahum A E, Dosimetric verifications of IMAT delivery with a conventional EPID system and a commercial portal dose image prediction tool, Medical Physics 37 377-90 2010.

IPEM Working Party: A M Bidmead1 (Chair), E G A Aird2, A Flynn3, C D Lee4, S M Locks5, R F Nutbrown6 and T Sander6, The IPEM Code of Practice for the determination of the reference air kerma rate for HDR 192Ir brachytherapy sources based on the NPL air kerma standard Phys. Med. Biol. 55 3145-3159 2010

Sun Myint A, Mukhopadhyay T, Ramani VS, Perkins K, Snee AJ, Jelley F, Wong H, Lee CD, Can increasing the dose of radiation by HDR brachytherapy boost following pre operative chemoradiotherapy for advanced rectal cancer improve surgical outcomes? Colorectal Disease 12 Supl. 2 30-36 2010.

Nahum A. E., Carlone M, Stavrev, P, TCP Modelling – why is it important? Acta Oncologica (Special Issue on “Edmonton TCP workshop”) 49 1205 2010.

Panettieri V, Malik ZI, Eswar CV, Landau DB, Thornton JM, Nahum AE, Mayles WP, Fenwick JD. Influence of dose calculation algorithms on isotoxic dose-escalation of non-small cell lung cancer radiotherapy, Radiotherapy and Oncology 97 418-24 2010.

Pardo-Montero J, Fenwick JD, An approach to multiobjective optimization of rotational therapy. II. Pareto optimal surfaces and linear combinations of modulated blocked arcs for a prostate geometry, Med. Phys. 37 2606-16 2010.

Ruggieri R, Naccarato S and Nahum AE, Severe hypofractionation: the usefulness of non-homogeneous tumour dose delivery in counteracting tumour hypoxia, Acta Oncologica (Special Issue on “Edmonton TCP workshop”), 49 1304-14 2010.

Rutkowska Eva, Baker Colin and Nahum Alan, A mechanistic computer simulation of normal-tissue damage in radiotherapy – implications for dose-volume analyses, Phys. Med. Biol. 55 2121-36 2010.

Stavreva N, Nahum A, Markov K, Ruggieri R, Stavrev P Analytical investigation of the possibility of parameter invariant TCP-based radiation therapy plan ranking. Acta Oncologica (Special Issue on “Edmonton TCP workshop”) 49 1205 1324-33 2010.

Zhao, S., Meara, S. J., and Parker, G. J. (2010), Normalised double inversion recovery for quantification of cerebral tissue proportional density, Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, 3116.

Papers in press

Fenwick JD, Pardo-Montero J, Nahum AE and Malik ZI, The impact of schedule duration on head and neck radiotherapy: accelerated tumor repopulation versus compensatory mucosal proliferation Int. J. Rad. Ther. Biol. Phys. 2011.

Papers submitted

Riccardo Valdagni; Alan E Nahum; Tiziana Magnani; Corrado Italia; Angelo Lanceni; Paolo Montanaro; Tiziana Rancati; Barbara Avuzzi; Claudio Fiorino, Long-term biochemical control of prostate cancer after standard or hyperfractionation: evidence for different behaviour between low-intermediate vs high risk patients Radiotherapy & Oncology revised in response to referees (February 2011).

Uzan J and Nahum A E, BioSuite, software for radiobiologically guided optimization of prescription dose and fractionation scheme in radiotherapy; submitted to Radiotherapy & Oncology (Febuary 2011)

Abstracts (published)

Baker C, Kacperek A, The influence of wedges on in-field and penumbral absorbed dose in ocular proton therapy beams, Radiotherapy & Oncology 96 Suppl. 1 S541 2010

Botti A, Paiusco M, Cagni E, Errico VD, Nahum AE, Wolff T, Iori M, Tomotherapy biological estimator (TBE): benefits of an integrated on-line tool for evaluating treatment plans & monitoring-guiding the planning process, Radiotherapy & Oncology 96 Suppl. 1 S508 2010

Chandrasekaran M, Panettieri V, Popescu IA, Uzan J, Baker C, Nahum AE, Radiobiological evaluation of the clinical impact for lung radiotherapy of alternative photon dose algorithms, Radiotherapy & Oncology 96 Suppl. 1 S609 2010

Fenwick J, PardoMontero J, An approach to mulitcriteria optimization of rotational therapy, Radiotherapy & Oncology 96 Suppl. 1 S75 2010

Iori M, Botti A, Paiusco M, Fioroni F, Cagni E, Grassi E, Foracchia M, Errico VD, Nahum AE, 18F-Fluorocholine (F-CHO) PET-guided dose painting of prostate tumours using either TCP or EUD optimized to account for spatial clonogen redistribution, Radiotherapy & Oncology 96 Suppl. 1 S125 2010

Nahum A, Gagliardi G, Kacperek A, How should we apply biological models to heavy charged-particle treatment plans?, Radiotherapy & Oncology 96 Suppl. 1 S537 2010

Panettieri V, Malik Z, Eswar C, Thornton J, Nahum AE, Mayles P, Fenwick J, Quality assurance (QA) of “isotoxic” dose-escalation of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) radiotherapy: influence of dose calculation algorithms on the determination of the prescription dose, Radiotherapy & Oncology 96 Suppl. 1 S352 2010

Popescu IA, Chadrasekaran M, Uzan J, Furlong C, Scott A, Panettieri V, Nahum AE, Radiobiological optimisation moof 4D NSCL plans: small margins yield highest TCP for moving tumours, Radiotherapy & Oncology 96 Suppl. 1 S178 2010

Rutkowska E, Baker C, Nahum A, Effect of confounding factors on NTCP model performance, Radiotherapy & Oncology 96 Suppl. 1 S97 2010

Stavrev P, Stavreva N, Nahum AE, Ruggieri R, Study on the applicability of a population TCP model to the case of heterogeneous irradiation of the tumour, Radiotherapy & Oncology 96 Suppl. 1 S610 2010

Stavreva N, Markov K, Stavreva P, Nahum AE, Ruggieri R, TCP-based plan ranking in the case of heterogeneous irradiation – an analytical investigation, Radiotherapy & Oncology 96 Suppl. 1 S611 2010

Uzan J, Nahum AE, Mayles P, Syndikus I, Radiobiologically-based inverse optimisation of IMRT plans for prostate cancer, Radiotherapy & Oncology 96 Suppl. 1 S178 2010

Valdagni R, Nahum AE, Rancati T, Magnani T, Montanaro P, Italia C, Avuzzi B, Fiorino C, Long-term biochemical control of prostate tumours following standard or hyperfractionated conformal radiation Radiotherapy & Oncology 96 Suppl. 1 S409 2010

Other Publications

Alan Nahum is a co-Editor of and regular contributor to PHYSICS CORNER in the ESTRO NEWSLETTER (published 4 times a year)

Book Chapters

Rectal brachytherapy , S. Myint, C. Lee and P. J. Hoskin

Breast brachytherapy , P. J. Hoskin and S. Myint

Isotopes and delivery systems for brachytherapy , G. Lowe and C. Lee

in Radiotherapy in Practice – Brachytherapy Second Edition, Edited by Peter Hoskin and Catherine Coyle, Oxford University Press 2011.

Meetings organised

Chris Lee organised the Nucletron UK and Ireland Brachytherapy User Group Meeting, Liverpool 20th – 21st May, 2010

Courses organised/lectures given

Radiobiology & Radiobiological Modelling in Radiotherapy, 11-14 May 2010, Chester UK. (now ESTRO-endorsed)

Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology staff (Physics dept. unless otherwise indicated) gave the following lectures:

  • Radiobiology considerations: prostate cancer, Isabel Syndikus, consultant in clinical oncology
  • Introduction to ‘biological’ models in radiotherapy, Alan Nahum
  • Predicting the incidence of normal tissue complications: mathematical models for ntcp, Colin Baker
  • Modelling tumour control probability (tcp), Alan Nahum
  • Using and interpreting dose-volume models -statistical considerations, John Fenwick, (also at school of cancer studies, liverpool university)
  • Applications of TCP modelling, Alan Nahum
  • Radiobiological aspects of heavy-particle therapy, Andrzej Kacperek, chief physicist, douglas cyclotron unit
  • Induction of (second) cancers by radiotherapy, Geoff Lawrence
  • Uk dose-escalation studies and future directions for nsclc radiotherapy – targetting tumour function using imrt and schedule individualisation, John Fenwick.
  • Achieving clinical acceptance of radiobiologically-based treatment plans, Philip Mayles.

Software written by Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology researchers

BioSuite (written by Julien Uzan) has been further developed (manuscript submitted)

Presentations at scientific meetings, departmental seminars


Nahum A, “Tumour Control Probability”, and "Radiobiologisk Optimering av Extern Strålbehandling” Förmöte I samband med Onkologidagarna, Kalmar, Sweden, 23-24 March 2010.

Nahum A, ”Tumour Control Probability Models – what do they tell us about tumour response to irradiation?” and “Treatment plan optimisation using biological models”, 3rd Modelling of Tumours (MOT) meeting, 27-29 May 2010, Adelaide, South Australia.

Nahum A, “Radiobiological Optimization of Radiation Therapy”, Dept. Radiation Oncology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney NSW, 31 May 2010.

Nahum A, “Biomathematical Modelling of Tumour Response to Irradiation”, Physics Department, University of Sydney NSW, 1 June 2010.

Nahum A, “What’s hot (and what’s not) in Radiation Therapy (Physics)”, Dept. Radiation Oncology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney NSW, 1 June 2010.

Nahum A, “What are the properties of dose distributions which can eliminate tumours?”, Fourth Berder meeting - “Biology of ionizing radiation”, Berder, Bretagne, 22-25 September 2010.

Nahum A, “Irradiation and tumour growth, repair, repopulation, reoxygenation, radiosensitivity” and “Oxygenation and hypoxia”, course on MODELLI PREDITTIVI DEGLI EFFETTI DELLA RADIOTERAPIA CON FASCI ESTERNI, Chiostro del Maglio, Firenze 24-26 novembre 2010.

Oral (proffered)

Baker Angela,

Reproducibility and efficiency of cone beam CT for frameless SBRT verification, 6th UK Radiation Oncology Conference, 11-13 April 2011, Manchester.

Gilmore, MDF. Clements, R., Green, MJ., Carter, A.,

Evaluation of the use of EPIQA and Delta4 for pre-treatment verification of RapidArc delivery Presentation at the IPEM Biennial Radiotherapy Meeting, 6-7 July 2010, Cardiff.

Distefano, G., Baker, A., Mayles, H.,

Development of imaging tolerances for breast radiotherapy patients using on-line marker matching techniques Presentation at the IPEM Biennial Radiotherapy Meeting, 6-7 July 2010, Cardiff.

Fenwick J, PardoMontero J,

An approach to multicriteria optimization of rotational therapy, ESTRO29, Barcelona, September 12-16, 2010.

Gately Alan,

Commissioning & introduction of a new 50 kV facility for intra-rectal contact radiotherapy, 6th UK Radiation Oncology Conference, 11-13 April 2011, Manchester.

Lee Jonny,

A novel approach to commissioning ring applicators, 6th UK Radiation Oncology Conference, 11-13 April 2011, Manchester.

Popescu IA, Chadrasekaran M, Uzan J, Furlong C, Scott A, Panettieri V, Nahum AE, Radiobiological optimisation of 4D NSCL plans: small margins yield highest TCP for moving tumours, ESTRO29, Barcelona, September 12-16, 2010.

Syndikus I, Uzan J, Mayles P, and Nahum A

BioProp: a proposed 3-arm trial of RadioBiologically Optimised Prostate Dose Painting, 6th UK Radiation Oncology Conference, 11-13 April 2011, Manchester.

Uzan J, Nahum AE, Mayles P, Syndikus I, Radiobiologically-based inverse optimisation of IMRT plans for prostate cancer, ESTRO29, Barcelona, September 12-16, 2010.

Posters (proffered)

Baker C, Kacperek A, The influence of wedges on in-field and penumbral absorbed dose in ocular proton therapy beams, Radiotherapy & Oncology ESTRO29, Barcelona, September 12-16, 2010.

Botti A, Paiusco M, Cagni E, Errico VD, Nahum AE, Wolff T, Iori M, Tomotherapy biological estimator (TBE): benefits of an integrated on-line tool for evaluating treatment plans & monitoring-guiding the planning process, ESTRO29, Barcelona, September 12-16, 2010.

Chandrasekaran M, Panettieri V, Popescu IA, Uzan J, Baker C, Nahum AE, Radiobiological evaluation of the clinical impact for lung radiotherapy of alternative photon dose algorithms, ESTRO29, Barcelona, September 12-16, 2010.

Iori M, Botti A, Paiusco M, Fioroni F, Cagni E, Grassi E, Foracchia M, Errico VD, Nahum AE, 18F-Fluorocholine (F-CHO) PET-guided dose painting of prostate tumours using either TCP or EUD optimized to account for spatial clonogen redistribution, ESTRO29, Barcelona, September 12-16, 2010.

Nahum A, Gagliardi G, Kacperek A, How should we apply biological models to heavy charged-particle treatment plans?, ESTRO29, Barcelona, September 12-16, 2010.

Nahum AE, Williams T, Panettieri V, A critical examination of Spencer-Attix cavity theory, CN-182-219, International Symposium on Standards, Applications and Quality Assurance in Medical Radiation Dosimetry (IDOS), IAEA, 9-12 November 2010, Vienna, Austria.

Panettieri V, Malik Z, Eswar C, Thornton J, Nahum AE, Mayles P, Fenwick J, Quality assurance (QA) of “isotoxic” dose-escalation of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) radiotherapy: influence of dose calculation algorithms on the determination of the prescription dose, ESTRO29, Barcelona, September 12-16, 2010.

Rutkowska E, Baker C, Nahum A, Effect of confounding factors on NTCP model performance, ESTRO29, Barcelona, September 12-16, 2010.

Scott AJD, Kirk JS, Mayles HMO, Mayles WPM, A mechanical approach to Quality Assurance for the BrainLAB Stereotactic frame, Novalis Circle Meeting, 17-19th June 2010, Munich.

Stavrev P, Stavreva N, Nahum AE, Ruggieri R, Study on the applicability of a population TCP model to the case of heterogeneous irradiation of the tumour, ESTRO29, Barcelona, September 12-16, 2010.

Stavreva N, Markov K, Stavreva P, Nahum AE, Ruggieri R, TCP-based plan ranking in the case of heterogeneous irradiation – an analytical investigation, ESTRO29, Barcelona, September 12-16, 2010.