Liverpool Echo - information for patients/public

Posted 2nd April 2014

This information provides further detail about an issue we've been experiencing with a small percentage of our current patient records.

It explains what has happened, why we do not believe it has compromised patient care in any way and what we are doing to resolve it. You may also find our statement helpful. Patients who have any queries or concerns can call 0151 482 7752 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm).

What has happened?

An automatic update to some of our patient records resulted in a small percentage (1.8%) of our current records containing wrong information. As a result, some images (e.g. x-rays/scans) were merged into other records.

How many records are affected and what has happened to them?

This has affected 1,598 records in total – i.e. 799 patients’ images and 799 other patients’ records – but we do not believe patient safety has been compromised as we have measures in place to ensure doctors and other clinical staff can access the correct information about their patients, and that their care is not compromised in any way.

How do I know if my records are affected?

We are writing to those 1,598 patients this week to let them know so they do not need to feel anxious. We know which records are affected and we also know which images belong to which patient so we will be able to ensure that all the records are corrected and verified and are following a very thorough process for this.

Will it affect my care – or have affected care I have already received?

No. We know exactly which records have been affected, which images belong to which patients and we have measures in place to ensure that doctors and other clinical staff can access the correct images for their patients. Before accessing images, they need to verify whether or not they are from one of the affected records. They can get the correct images from our Imaging department.

We are also going through a thorough process to ensure that all 1,598 records are fully corrected and verified so that they all contain the correct images and information and patient care is not compromised.

We spotted the problem the day it occurred and put measures in place as soon as we became aware. We have gone back and checked whether care may have been affected for any patients seen that day and it wasn’t.

When did the problem occur?

The automatic data upload took place at 8am on Thursday 27th March. It became apparent that morning that some duplicate records seemed to have been created. At 1.30pm we became aware that some records contained some incorrect information. At midnight, we became aware that it had affected images in records. We contacted other trusts in the local network to make them aware of the problem.

We have gone back and checked whether care may have been affected for any patients seen that day and it wasn’t.

Is there a risk that clinicians may use or have used the wrong images to diagnose / treat patients?

Note: We use images to make decisions about treatment once patients have been diagnosed. We don’t diagnose patients here.

The system we have in place means that when doctors/clinical staff want to access an image they need to verify first that it isn’t from an affected record. If it is, then they get the correct image direct from our Imaging department. Although this takes slightly longer than the usual system, it means they have the correct information.

We have put extra resources and additional secure systems in place to ensure clinicians can access the correct images. Our staff have been working incredibly hard to ensure the problem is corrected as soon as possible and that doctors and clinical staff have the right information for their patients.

What was the update that caused this problem? Is it something that could happen again or may have happened before without you realising?

It was an update to demographic information in our patient records. It hasn’t happened previously and we can prevent it happening here again.

When do you expect all the records to be corrected?

It’s important that we make sure all the records have accurate information and that we verify this carefully. We are working through them systematically to correct them as soon as possible. We expect this to be complete by the end of April at the latest.

Will you be carrying out an investigation into what happened?

Yes, we are carrying out a full investigation.