Fairy appeal donation form

Your Details

I would like to make a donation to The Clatterbridge Cancer Charity and dedicate a Fairy this Christmas

Opt in for Gift Aid

Increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you!
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Stay in touch

We’d love to share some of the amazing ways that you’re changing the lives of people with cancer, and how else you can get involved. Please let us know if you’re happy for us to contact you by email:

Thank you for your amazing support! By submitting this form you consent to us using your details to provide you with information about the Fairy Appeal. We may contact you again by post or phone to tell you more about how your support helps, including opportunities to donate, volunteer or fundraise. We may also contact you through digital advertising on social media.
We promise to keep your details safe. We'll use them to communicate with you in the way(s) that you have agreed to. We will never share or sell your data.

(Sorry to ask, but please prove you are a Human!)