Glow Green Snowdon Terms & Conditions


  • I/We understand that this is a fundraising event and I/we pledge to raise at least the minimum required for taking part in Snowdon Sunrise.
  • Entry fees are non-refundable as they help the Charity to cover the cost of staging the event.
  • Glow Green Snowdon is a walk and not a race.
  • By participating, I/We understand that participation in this event is at my/our own risk and that the organisers cannot be held responsible for injury, accident, loss, damage, or public liability caused or sustained as a result of participation.
  • I/We can confirm that I/we have a reasonable state of health and fitness; if there are any concerns about my/our physical condition required to take part that I will consult with a doctor first.
  • I/We understand that Clatterbridge Cancer Charity may take photographs of me/us participating in Glow Green Snowdon and permit the Charity to use these images for promotional purposes. Please contact a member of staff on the day if you do not wish for any photograph to be used.
  • If signing for a young adult/child, I/we give permission for their photograph to be used.
  • When registering to take part in Glow Green Snowdon, Clatterbridge Cancer Charity will share your data with Raw Adventures who will be operating the event on the day. This is for operational purposes, and for anything related to Glow Green Snowdon and nothing further. Failure to supply the information to Raw Adventures will result in the prevention of your participation.
  • This event is for ages 16 and over only. Any participant aged 16 or 17 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • I/We have read and accepted the conditions of entry to Glow Green Snowdon, an event created and staged by Clatterbridge Cancer Charity, and accept the rules and regulations associated with it.
  • Any litter MUST be discarded yourself into a local bin, or taken home with you.


  • If you, or your guests, are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 we ask that you please do not attend the event.
  • Participants will follow all guidelines provided on the day by the team from Clatterbridge Cancer Charity and Raw Adventures.
  • All participants will follow UK Government guidelines set out and required at that time.