Common FOI Queries

IT FAQs (as of October 2023)

Our Electronic Patient Record (EPR)/Electronic Health Records (EHR) System is Meditech 6.08.42

Our regional Shared Care Record is Share2Care - Home

Our Integration Platform (TIE) is Iguana.

Our robotic process automation system is Blue Prism.

Our Business Intelligence reporting uses Microsoft Power PI.

Our video consultation system is AttendAnywhere.

Our electronic document management system (eDMS) is Kainos.

Our Radiology Information System (RIS( is Wellbeing.

We do not have a Laboratory Information Management System as we outsource our Pathology.

Facilities FAQs

Our Estates and Facilities are managed by PropCare.

Procurement FAQs

Our Procurement is provided by Health Procurement Liverpool, based at The Walton Centre.

Blanket Exemptions

We will not be providing names and contact details of any of our staff other than Trust Board members listed on this website, under section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act, as this is classed as personal information.

We will not be providing certain supplier details due to an increase in fraud attempts. Please see Section 31 details below.

Our Executive Team

Details of our Executive Team can be found at:

Our Medical Director is our Caldicott Guardian, and our Director of Finance is our SIRO (Senior Information Risk Officer)

Who we host

We host the Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance, and the North-West Diagnostics Network.

Section 31 - Law Enforcement

The Trust is withholding certain contractual and supplier information due to an increase in fraud attempts.

This is where we believe the requested information could be used in relation to mandate fraud. This would likely prejudice the Trust in terms of a third-party recreating invoices and sending them to the Trust for payment to be made using amended bank transfer details; meaning pubic money could be paid to an incorrect fraudulent third-party.

Mandate fraud takes place when someone gets in touch claiming to be from an organisation you regularly pay such as a supplier, membership or subscription service asking for a change of bank account details, payment diversion or supplier account takeover.

Section 31 is a qualified exemption; therefore, the public interest in withholding the information should outweigh the public interest in its disclosure.

The Trust has applied the public interest test and has based our decision on:

• Disclosure would assist the promotion of openness and transparency in our decisions and public spending

• The Trust already proactively publishes amounts relating to better payment practice code via our annual accounts and reports in accordance with our obligations under The Public Contracts Regulations 2015, Regulation 113 Notice

• There is a strong public interest in ensuring we protect public funds, thus avoiding payments made to fraudulent third parties

• Disclosure could result in a failure to safeguard financial information, leaving the Trust vulnerable to crime.

For the reasons set out above, the Trust has decided that it is in the public interest to withhold certain information at this time.