World Cancer Day 2024 - "The experience of having cancer has been eye-opening"

Posted 1st February 2024

A former swimming and PE teacher who is being treated for breast cancer has been sharing her experience and the things she’s learnt ahead of World Cancer Day on Sunday 4th February.

58 year old Anna-Louise Hodkinson from Formby was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in June 2023 after attending a routine mammogram. Triple negative breast cancer is a less common type of breast cancer, affecting around 15-20% of women.

“I’d been for mammograms before that had been clear. I also had no lumps in my breasts or other symptoms so wasn’t worried going into the appointment” explains Anna-Louise.

However, further scans confirmed that Anna-Louise did have cancer. “I’d had a few weeks to get my head around the fact that I might have cancer by the time it was confirmed, so when I was told it was, I was just desperate to crack on with getting it sorted” she said.

Anna-Louise had surgery to remove the cancer, known as a lumpectomy, before being referred to The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre in Liverpool for 16 rounds of chemotherapy treatment, followed by radiotherapy.

“My expectations of chemotherapy were that it would be awful – I would feel sick, lose all my hair and be floored by my treatment for days on end. But the reality has been very different.

“I’ve definitely suffered with some side effects which I wasn’t expecting – mouth ulcers and mild sickness at the start for example – but I feel very lucky to have been able to continue to have a good quality of life during my treatment including walking and playing golf.”

Anna-Louise has also been surprised to find herself surrounded by friends who have been going through the same thing. “Before my diagnosis, I bumped into an old friend at my son’s graduation who turned out to be going through breast cancer treatment. When I was diagnosed, we reconnected and she’s been supporting me.

“A few of my friends have since been diagnosed too so we’re all there for each other. I’ve been visiting Larks, the Liverpool based breast cancer support group run by The Marina Dalglish Appeal since August, where I’ve met some wonderful women. I started out as the new girl, but now I’m seeing other women come into the group. I’m now an old timer!”

Anna-Louise has also been posting about her experience on Instagram (@tnbc_staying_positive) in the hope of connecting with other people going through similar experiences. “I hope my honesty on social media helps people feel less afraid. I’ve been pleasantly surprised so far, particularly coming to Clatterbridge Cancer Centre – Liverpool for my weekly treatment. The team have been looking after me really well.”

Anna-Louise is now focusing on completing her treatment this month, as well as wedding planning for her eldest son Ben, 28 who recently got engaged.

This World Cancer Day, Anna-Louise’s message is clear: “Unfortunately, no one is immune to cancer. So make sure you go for your screenings when you’re called. Go and get yourself checked out and don’t delay – an early diagnosis has made my treatment far less intrusive and my prognosis far better.”

Professor Carlo Palmieri is a Consultant Medical Oncologist at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust and is leading on Anna Louise’s care. He adds: “The vast majority of cancer screenings are clear. However, it’s still really important to attend those appointments so we can detect anything untoward, as early as possible.

“Early detection is vital so we can start appropriate treatment as soon as possible. Triple negative breast cancer, which Anna-Louise is currently being treated for, is a fast growing cancer and can spread quickly. I’m really grateful she went to her mammogram when she did so we could begin her treatment.”