​Wanted: Patient/Carer Voice Representatives

Posted 22nd March 2021

Do you want to help to develop care at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre Foundation Trust and ensure that our services are the best that they can be?

We are recruiting people who have experience of living with cancer, or living with someone affected by cancer, as Patient/Carer Voice Representatives.

As a Patient/Carer Voice Representative, you will be part of the Patient Experience and Inclusion Focus Group (PEIG) where your role will be to ensure that the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre Patient Experience, Engagement & Inclusion improvement plans are focused on what matters most to patients, carers and families. You will have the opportunity to:

  • Input into the design of future service developments and tools, as well support with testing and evaluation. This will help to ensure that the end product for patients and carers is fit for purpose
  • Undertake audits including Patient Led Assessments of the Care Environment (PLACE)
  • Hear from patients, carers and family about their experiences and ensure that this contributes to the development of staff and services
  • Input the patient, carer and family voice into the development of staff and services.

We need people who are committed to using their skills and personal experience to bring new perspectives and challenges into the PEIG group and to champion a patient/carer viewpoint.

If you're interested in getting involved, please contact ccf-tr.patientexperienceteam@nhs.net.