UK success for Clatterbridge clinical research trial team

Posted 3rd August 2022

The Atlanta clinical trial team at Clatterbridge

A research team at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre has been praised for recruiting the highest number of participants in the UK during July to a prostate cancer clinical trial.

The team signed up more men for the ATLANTA NHS trial than any other centre in the UK, giving hope of a successful new treatment for them and future prostate cancer patients.

Clatterbridge signed up its first participant to ATLANTA in October last year. The study is following men whose cancer has spread from the prostate to another part of the body and targeting the cancer with hormone therapy and other treatments.

Principal Investigator at Clatterbridge is Dr Azman Ibrahim (pictured, front) and the study team includes Lucy Berresford, Advanced Research Practitioner (back); Sharon Dunn, Clinical trials Assistant (back); Rebecca Grogan, research practitioner (front); and Linda Lyons, lead urology research nurse (back).

Dr Gillian Heap, Director of Research and Innovation Operations at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Congratulations to the ATLANTA team for recruiting the most participants in the UK last month to this important study.

“Having as many patients as possible take part in research such as this is necessary to give robust results, but also can improve the outcomes for our patients at Clatterbridge.”

Men wanting to take part in the ATLANTA clinical trial need to be eligible, including having been diagnosed within six months of signing the trial consent form and not already having had chemotherapy treatment.

You can find out more about the ATLANTA clinical trial here: