Trust launches Innovation Strategy to drive enterprise

Posted 16th February 2023

Innovation Strategy front page

The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre has launched its new Innovation Strategy, affirming that the generation of fresh ideas, the creation of novel solutions and bringing in new ways of working drives better outcomes for patients.

The strategy, which runs until 2025 to keep it in line with The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust’s Five Year Plan and other strategies, has one of the Trust’s six strategic priorities at its heart – Be Innovative – and outlines a plan to nurture enterprise throughout its workforce.

The document, devised by Innovation Manager Drew Norwood-Green and Clinical Lead for Innovation Dr Séamus Coyle, was developed in consultation with staff, patients and the public through a series of engagement sessions.

The strategy outlines how Clatterbridge has been innovative in the past, creating new commercial companies, a joint venture, and launching initiatives such as the award-winning Clatterbridge in the Community scheme, providing at-home cancer treatments to patients. But it aims to embed this culture of innovation into the organisation through the new strategy to drive even better treatment and care.

The strategy states: “All innovations need to centre on improving patient outcomes and experience. As CCC staff, we each have a duty and responsibility to identify ways to improve daily practice. It is crucial we are inclusive of everyone within the Trust, ensuring those who understand the work and challenges are empowered to share their ideas and have their voices heard.”

Objectives include educating staff in how to bring forward new ideas, raising awareness of support available to do this and creating innovation champions to drive new enterprise. There will also be new funding available for large-scale projects and partnerships with outside organisations to kick-start innovation.

Dr Coyle said: “The next three years will see a step change in innovation across the Trust and, crucially, a structured approach.

“By first focussing on a culture and mind-set for innovation, we will encourage the voicing of where challenges are and invite staff and service users to bring their ideas for solutions. Providing a nurturing environment in collaboration with external partners to develop potential solutions is vital to develop a ‘proof of concept’ and take ideas forward ensuring they become implemented in practice. Support is needed to help staff adopt and adapt existing innovations or innovative practice so that they are applied in practice.

“By deliberately harnessing the unique knowledge, desire to improve and innovative spirit of the staff within Clatterbridge, we can create even more opportunities to make a difference, thereby improving the choices, experience and outcomes for our patients.”

Dr Liz Bishop, Chief Executive of The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, said: “Innovation has always been important at Clatterbridge but this new strategy puts it on a new level and creates a structure to embed a culture of innovation into all areas of our work. At the heart of this strategy is our aim to give our patients the very best treatment and care – and to ensure our enterprising staff reach their full potential.”

You can read the Innovation Strategy here: