Staff rate the centre amongst the best in the country

Posted 25th September 2014

Staff show total confidence in The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre as a good place to work and for its patient care and treatment.

Results published by NHS England today show The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre as equal third highest in the country for staff recommending their care and treatment, and equal ninth highest for staff recommending it as a place to work.

The Friends & Family Test (FFT) for NHS staff was launched for the first time in April this year. The test allows staff to give their feedback on NHS services by asking two simple questions: how likely they would be to recommend their organisation to friends and family as a place to work; and how likely they would be to recommend it as a place to receive care/treatment.

97% of staff who completed the survey said they would be ‘extremely likely or likely’ to recommend the specialist cancer centre to friends and family if they needed care or treatment, and 79% of staff said they were ‘extremely likely or likely’ to recommend it as a place to work.

Only 1% said they would be ‘unlikely or extremely unlikely’ to recommend the centre for care or treatment, ranking it equal 2nd lowest in the country and 11% said they would be ‘unlikely or extremely unlikely’ to recommend it as a place to work, bringing it equal 9th lowest.

Chief Executive Andrew Cannell said: “I am delighted by the results of the test. Our staff are exceptional people who are not only leading professionals in their fields but also compassionate and totally committed to doing their best for patients. These results reflect this, but the real value of the feedback received is how we can act on the information to make improvements to patient care and ensure The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre is the employer of choice for cancer experts.”

Results from the national Staff FFT will be issued quarterly and have been gathered from 241 out of 245 NHS trusts providing acute, community, ambulance and mental health services in England.

Tim Kelsey, NHS England’s National Director for Patients and Information, today described the publication of the Friends & Family Test for NHS Staff as “another step towards openness and transparency”.

He added: “We know it is important the NHS listens to its staff, especially when it comes to the needs of our patients. We are encouraged that so many staff feel able to come forward and express an opinion. It is this sort of open culture that we want to encourage.

“Research shows us that the more engaged staff members are, the better the outcomes for patients and the organisation generally. It is therefore important that we strengthen the staff voice, as well as the patient voice.”

The national results are published on the NHS England statistical pages and on NHS Choices

About the Staff Friends & Family Test
The Staff FFT was introduced on 1 April 2014 in all NHS trusts in England. The results published on 25 September 2014 cover the first quarter of Staff FFT (1 April – 30 June 2014).

The Staff FFT is a simple feedback tool which asks staff two questions: how likely they would be to recommend their organisation to friends and family as a place to work; and how likely they would be to recommend it as a place to receive care/treatment.

As well as the two questions about care and a place to work, staff are also asked to give feedback as to why they have responded in terms of what is working well and what could be improved. This information allows managers to take prompt action to make improvements to the care provided for patients and staff working conditions.