Staff Achievement Award winner - March 2017

Posted 13th April 2017


Congratulations to Lisa Williams! Lisa was nominated by members of staff and a patient. This is what they had to say…

“Fabulous member of our team, nothing is ever too much for her, she always goes above and beyond her role. I feel she deserves recognition for this.

Lisa will stay well past her finish time to ensure clinics and patients are cared for. She sets a great example to the team and embodies the Trust values, caring, committed, passionate, putting people first.”

“As a student nurse during my placement in outpatients, I was really supported by Lisa. She is so respected and valued by the staff and the patients adore her. I learnt a lot and hope to become as good a nurse as her.”

“I can arrive feeling low or may even have to wait a little, but her attitude to patient care, her warm smile and smart appearance lifts you again. She delivers the news, good or bad in such a warm way that it’s almost a pleasure to be poorly. I wish you all well and thank you for all that you have done for me.”