Professor Sir Mike Richards visits Clatterbridge Cancer Centre - Liverpool

Posted 4th March 2022

Professor Sir Mike Richards is pictured on the Teenage & Young Adult Unit with hospital staff including nurses in red uniforms. They are chatting and look relaxed and happy.

Former national cancer director Professor Sir Mike Richards came to Clatterbridge Cancer Centre - Liverpool on Wednesday 2nd March as part of a visit to view the diagnostic and treatment facilities in two Cheshire & Merseyside hospitals.

The first National Cancer Director, Professor Richards held several roles at both NHS England and the Department of Health, most recently publishing a review of diagnostic services as part of NHS England’s Long Term Plan.

It was this review that recommended community diagnostic centres should be created across the country, providing patients with quick and easy access to diagnostic tests, such as blood tests, X-rays, ultrasound, CT scans, and endoscopy, in one place.

Professor Richards came to The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre’s new flagship hospital in Liverpool where he visited the Radiology department, the Teenage & Young Adult Unit, and the Chemotherapy Suite to see for himself how the cutting-edge facilities are improving outcomes for patients with cancer in Cheshire and Merseyside.

He then visited St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust to see how a community diagnostic centre there is improving the diagnostic process for patients, including cancer patients.

Professor Sir Mike Richards, Clinical advisor on diagnostics for NHS England, said: “I’ve had a fantastic day. I’ve seen all sorts of important innovation including for Colonoscopy, CT, MRI, and Urology that is improving pathways for patients. The emphasis for diagnostics now is to provide patients with a quick and efficient one-stop-shop service wherever possible and it is really impressive what is being done here in Cheshire and Merseyside.”

Dr Liz Bishop, Chief Executive of The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre and SRO of the Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance, said: “We are proud to welcome Sir Mike so he can see the collaborative approach we are taking here in Cheshire and Merseyside and the impact that community diagnostic centres and the new Clatterbridge Cancer Centre are having on improving outcomes for patients in our region.

“Diagnostics feature in 80% of all patient pathways and since their launch last year, community diagnostic centres (CDC) have quickly made a positive difference to the service we provide to patients across our region. In February alone, our four CDCs across Cheshire and Merseyside carried out over 600 tests each week, 45% of which were imaging tests such as X-rays, ultrasound, CT, or MRI scans.

“The ability to complete multiple tests at the same time means we can achieve a diagnosis sooner and ensure more patients get the treatment they need. Ultimately, we will save more lives because of these centres and the people who work in them.”

A multi-disciplinary team including nurses and radiographers operate each CDC with St Helens and Clatterbridge Diagnostics in Wirral – a partnership between The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre and Wirral University Teaching Hospital - being among the first to open last summer.

Picture caption:

Professor Sir Mike Richards visiting the Teenage & Young Adult unit at Clatterbridge Cancer Centre - Liverpool