Patients urged to give feedback on their cancer care and treatment

Posted 12th November 2021

The NHS wants its patients to have the best experience possible and having continuous patient feedback is crucial in helping deliver what patients want and need.

The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre is supporting the national Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES), which asks for feedback from cancer patients (16 years and over) to inform and improve local cancer services across England.

The survey is run by the NHS each year and asks questions such as how and when the cancer was diagnosed, how involved patients felt in decisions about their care and treatment and how much information and support they were given.

Those who were treated for cancer as an inpatient or day-case and left hospital in April, May or June this year will be invited to take part in the survey.

The survey is sent by post, but it can be completed online or over the phone. Patients will receive a letter with their survey explaining how to do this.

The results of the survey help to identify what’s working well or what needs to be improved and influences how services are delivered, so it is really important that as many people in Cheshire and Merseyside as possible take part.

This year the Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) questionnaire has been redesigned, guided by the CPES Advisory Group, to reflect developments in cancer care and treatment, and national policy.

The results of the survey will be available in Summer 2022.

Further information for the public on the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey can be found on the Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance (CMCA) website here: or you can visit

CMCA has produced resources for professionals and organisations to promote the survey and encourage uptake among health groups who are currently underrepresented.

They can be accessed here: