Patients rate us one of the best hospitals in England

Posted 8th April 2015

Inpatients at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust have rated it one of the best hospitals in the country, according to the Care Quality Commission’s inpatient survey for 2013.

Results published today (8th April) show the Centre achieved the top scores in England on six of the areas assessed, including cleanliness, privacy and being told about possible side-effects of medication.

It was also rated one of best-performing trusts nationally in over 75% of the areas assessed. There were no areas where it came below average.

The national inpatient survey was completed by more than 62,400 patients aged over 16 who had spent at least one night in hospital at one of the 156 acute and specialist NHS trusts across England last summer.

They answered a series of questions aimed at understanding what patients think about the care and treatment they receive. The results from the survey are a crucial way of improving quality of care.

The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre achieved the best scores in the country on the following areas:

  • The hospital room/ward was clean
  • The toilets and bathrooms were clean
  • Patients did not feel threatened at any time during their stay
  • Patients had privacy during treatment
  • Patients were told about medication side-effects
  • The hospital did not change the admission date

It was also ranked one of the best-performing trusts on 48 of the 67 questions relevant to its services.

Jim Bewsher (left), 89, from Clitheroe in Lancashire, has just spent three weeks as an inpatient at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre and said he was very satisfied with the care he received.

“The staff have been very good. They really treat you in a personal, caring way rather than as ‘bed number one’ or ‘bed number two’. They’ve also been very communicative, explaining what was happening, and they’ve told me what to expect. I have no complaints at all and my time here has been much more pleasant than I expected.”

Helen Porter, Director of Nursing & Quality at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, said: “We’re 100% committed to delivering safe, effective and high-quality patient care so we are absolutely delighted to see this reflected in this year’s results.

“We believe the professionalism and expertise of our staff is second to none – and it is extremely rewarding to see this recognised by the patients that receive treatment here at our Centre.”

Chief Executive Andrew Cannell added: “It is hugely reassuring to receive such a high level of very positive feedback from our patients. Every member of staff is committed to providing the best cancer care to our patients and this fantastic response is a credit to all their hard work.

“However, we are not complacent in our approach to cancer care. We want to keep raising our standards even higher so we always provide the very best cancer care to the people we serve. Patient feedback is vital in helping us do this so we will use these survey results to see how we can improve our services even further to benefit our patients.”

A full copy of the survey is available by clicking here to visit the Care Quality Commission website.

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