Our Five Year Strategic Plan 2021-2025: Latest progress on delivery (May 2023)

Posted 6th June 2023

Image of front cover of strategic plan - it is a bright yellow cover and has a C shape made from other colours

We're now almost two years into the Five Year Strategic Plan we developed in 2021 in collaboration with our staff, patients and partner organisations. A lot has happened over the last two years and we've made excellent progress against the six strategic objectives we set ourselves to:

  • Be Outstanding
  • Be Collaborative
  • Be a Great Place to Work
  • Be Research Leaders
  • Be Digital, and
  • Be Innovative

Find out what's happened so far and what's planned for the next few months in the latest of our six-monthly update reports outlining progress with delivering our Five Year Strategic Plan 2021-2025: Read our Five Year Strategic Plan implementation update (May 2023). The update went to our May 2023 Trust Board and outlined news including our plans to launch CAR-T therapy later this year, a great outcome on quality assurance of aseptic pharmacy at CCC-Liverpool and the first annual report on our Green Plan. You can read the full and summary versions of the Five Year Strategic Plan and the previous update reports in the Strategic Plan section of our website.

Read our Five Year Strategic Plan implementation update (May 2023)