National Staff Survey Results 2013

Posted 27th February 2014

The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre's staff amongst most satisfied in NHS

Staff working at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre are amongst the most motivated and most satisfied in the whole NHS according to a national survey published this week (25th February 2014).

They are also significantly more likely than peers elsewhere to recommend their organisation to friends and family for treatment or as a place to work, a measure that the Government views as a key way of assessing the quality of care NHS trusts provide to their patients.

The Centre scored an impressive 4.00 out of 5.00 on staff engagement, compared with a national average of 3.91 for acute specialist trusts. The score is based on staff responses to questions about their willingness to recommend the organisation as a place to be treated or to work, the extent to which they feel motivated by their job, and their ability to contribute to improvements at work.

More than 203,000 staff from 265 NHS organisations across England took part in the National Staff Survey 2013, which asked for their views on their place of work and took place between late September and early December 2013.

The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre performed extremely strongly across the board when compared with other acute specialist trusts, scoring better than average in 14 of the 28 areas being assessed, average in 11 and below average in just three.

The Centre scored the highest marks in the country in its class for effective team-working (3.92, compared with a national average of 3.81), and the percentage of staff having annual performance appraisals (92%, compared with a national average of 86%). It also scored the second highest marks in its class for staff job satisfaction (3.78, compared with a national average of 3.69).

Other areas where the Centre performed particularly well included staff recommending their organisation as a place to work or receive treatment (4.20, compared with a national average of 4.08).

The three areas where it scored lower than average were the percentage of staff working extra hours (74%, compared with a national average of 71%), the percentage having equality and diversity training in the last year (59%, compared with a national average of 66%), and the percentage feeling pressure to attend work when unwell (27%, compared with a national average of 24%).

In early April, it is holding a week of events promoting staff health and wellbeing, including work-life balance, as part of a wider programme to ensure everyone working there feels well supported in their role.

Andrew Cannell, Chief Executive of The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We are exceptionally proud of the people who work here and have long believed they are among the most talented, caring and motivated in the NHS, so we are absolutely delighted that the National Staff Survey 2013 has borne that out. Patients and visitors always say our staff are what makes The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre such a special place.

“Our ethos is to value, encourage and support the people who work here so we can provide the very highest standard of care to patients and their relatives or carers. We have very motivated staff, many of whom will work extra hours because they are passionate about what they do, but it’s very important that they are well supported and don’t feel under pressure to work excessively. Ensuring staff have a good work-life balance is an important focus for us and our aim now is to keep seeing year-on-year improvements.”

• The summary National Staff Survey 2013 report for The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre is at .

The full national Staff Survey 2013 results are published at