MP visits Clatterbridge Cancer Centre - Liverpool to speak with staff and patients

Posted 13th December 2023

Dame Angela Eagle and Cllr Paul Stuart with Clatterbridge leadersMerseyside MP Dame Angela Eagle met staff at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre to learn about its UK-leading treatment and care of cancer patients.

Dame Angela, who is Labour MP for Wallasey, was accompanied by Councillor Paul Stuart, Leader of Wirral Council, on the visit to Clatterbridge Cancer Centre – Liverpool, where they toured various departments and talked with patients.

They were welcomed to the hospital by Trust Chief Executive Liz Bishop and Chair Kathy Doran and took part in a wide-ranging discussion, including about treatments, digital innovations, pioneering services and innovative research – including ground-breaking personalised cancer vaccine studies which Clatterbridge is a leading UK centre for.

Liz explained how the flagship 11-storey hospital, opened in June 2020, complements Clatterbridge’s base in Wirral but has brought the added benefit of being able to initiate pioneering early-phase research that the Trust was unable to undertake previously.

Dame Angela Eagle MP

Dame Angela and Cllr Stuart talked with staff from a wide range of departments, including Director of Clinical Research Professor Christian Ottensmeier; Dr Muhammad Saif, Consultant Haematologist and Director of BMT and Cellular Therapy Programme; Director of Pharmacy Tori Young; and Chief Nursing Information Officer Emma Daley.

They were given a tour of the hospital, including to the Outpatients, Pharmacy, Chemotherapy, Inpatient and Radiotherapy departments and spoke to patient Debra Roberts about her experience of treatment and care at Clatterbridge.

Dame Angela Eagle MP said: “The NHS has always been at the forefront of cancer research, treatment and care, and the passion and commitment I saw in the staff at Clatterbridge shows why that is the case. They really do a remarkable job.

“It was also thought-provoking to listen to patient Debra, hear about her experience of coping with cancer and learn about how the staff are helping her to be with her family at Christmas.

“With more people living longer, more people will develop cancers. The NHS can meet this demand, but cutting-edge research and awareness of the importance of early diagnosis must be paramount.”

Cllr Stuart added: “Our visit reinforced my view that The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre is an NHS institution that everyone in Cheshire and Merseyside should be proud of.

“The Trust’s continued commitment to its original Wirral base and the new Liverpool hospital should reassure cancer patients and their families across the region that they are in good hands if they need to be treated there.”

Liz Bishop said: “It was a real pleasure to welcome Dame Angela and Cllr Stuart to our Liverpool hospital and for them to see at first hand the excellent work of our teams at this inspirational facility.

“We were able to explain how Clatterbridge not only offers UK-leading therapies which are bringing better outcomes for patients across Cheshire and Merseyside, but how the Trust works closely with our healthcare and academic institution partners across the region to further research and diagnostic capability.”