Loom bands help youngsters receiving radiotherapy

Posted 10th December 2014

A paediatric cancer specialist at the Centre has come up with a unique way to make the most of this year’s loom band craze to help children during radiotherapy treatment.

(L-R) Stavroulla Antoniou Latouros, Eimear O'Donnell, Sarah Stead, Lucy Wilcox, Catherine Minard, Janette Simpson and Nicola RankinIt took eight radiographers two months to make a 65ft long loom band which is being used by children to keep connected to their parents during their cancer treatment.

Sarah Stead is the Paediatric Advanced Practitioner Radiotherapist at the region’s specialist cancer centre. She came up with the idea to help reduce anxiety for children when they are separated from their parents during the treatment process.

“The nature of radiotherapy treatment means no-one else is allowed in the treatment room while the beams of radiation are being delivered to the patient. This can be very daunting for anyone receiving treatment, but for a small child to be separated from their parents can be quite distressing for them. The idea is the child can hold one end of the loom band while their parent holds the other end outside the room. So keeps a connection between them.”

Eight-year-old Lowri Roberts from Llanfairfechan in North Wales was the first to use the loom band life-line. She has just completed 14 radiotherapy sessions for Wilms Disease, a rare form of kidney cancer.

Her father Wayne Roberts told us: “It’s hard to let them go, even for a few minutes during treatment because you want to be there to hold their hand and let them know you are there for them. The idea of the band is a great idea, so simple and fun and it takes her mind off it. She’s been through so much. Anything that brightens her day is a bonus for us!”

Sarah added: “For children who have had stem cell treatment, it is vital they don’t come into contact with germs. I came up with the loom band idea as it’s perfect for infection control because it can be easily wiped down and sanitised.

“It did take a while to finish, we all chipped in and did as much as we could on our breaks and lunchtime. I lost count at 4,000 loom bands! And I think it’s fair to say we were sick of the sight of them. But to see how it’s helped Lowri makes it all worthwhile.”