Information on shielding for patients – video message from Clinical Director for Integrated Care

Posted 4th June 2020

If you're currently being treated at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre then you may have been shielding from the risk of catching coronavirus after receiving a letter earlier this year advising you to do so. The Government has now updated its guidance and have said that people who are shielding can now go outdoors for exercise as long as strict social distancing is maintained.

Our Clinical Director for Integrated Care Dr Caroline Brammer has recorded this short video to explain what the updated guidance means for people with cancer who are being treated at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre.

Our advice at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre is that patients who are currently having cancer treatment – or who recently completed it should continue to protect themselves by staying at home as much as possible. If you were advised to shield, then we would recommend that you continue to do so and that you take extra care if you do want to leave the house for exercise.

Please avoid anywhere that might be busy, stay at least two metres away from other people and wash your hands for 20 seconds as soon as you return home with soap and warm water.

We know this is a worrying time and you may have a mix of emotions. If you have any queries or concerns, please get in touch with the clinical team caring for you or call our COVID-19 Helpline where our nurses will be able to provide you with further information or guidance. The COVID-19 Helpline number is 0151 318 8048 and is open Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Further information on the Government’s updated guidance can be found here.