Important information for ‘high risk’ patients – COVID-19

Posted 15th October 2020

We know this is a worrying time for people in the region and we want to reassure you that we are taking every step to keep patients safe during their treatment and ongoing care with us. Many people with cancer fall into the ‘high risk’ category for complications from coronavirus. Some types of cancer and some types of cancer treatment can make people more vulnerable if they catch coronavirus – their body finds it harder to fight infections.

The Government has recently announced they will be writing to people who may be at particularly high risk in line with new Local COVID Alert Levels with guidance to help support you take protective actions in your everyday life, while retaining as much normality as possible.

In addition to following the new rules set out by the Government for Liverpool City Region as it is placed into ‘very high’ local COVID Alert Level we recommend anyone with cancer can reduce their risk by:

  • Avoiding anywhere that might be busy
  • Taking extra care when leaving the house for exercise – try avoiding busy times of the day when you know lots of people will be out doing the same thing
  • Wear a face covering
  • Keep at least two metres away from people outside your household
  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds as soon as you return home with soap and warm water