Experts in head and neck cancer meet to discuss new cutting edge treatments

Posted 16th March 2018

A group of leading medics are gathering in Liverpool to share expertise in the treatment of head and neck cancer.

Dr Joe Sacco, Consultant in Medical Oncology at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, is one of the two organisational leads at the event and will speak to the more than 100 delegates about new developments in treatment.

The Head and Neck Symposium is organised by the Experimental Cancer Medical Centre, a collaboration between The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, The University of Liverpool and the Cancer Research UK Liverpool Cancer Trials Unit.

The ECMC gives people with cancer access to cutting-edge treatments by testing new ways of detecting and monitoring the disease and how it responds to treatment.

The event, being hosted by the ECMC at Liverpool’s Maritime Museum, is concentrating on the use of immunotherapy oncology in treating head and neck cancer specifically.

It will include presentations on the trials of new treatments as well as the interface between immunotherapy and surgery.

The meeting aims to provide clinicians with all the necessary background, evidence and clinical use of immunotherapy in treating head and neck cancer.