Creating a Greener CCC: Our Green Plan Annual Report 2022

Posted 7th March 2023

It's a year since we published our first ever Green Plan, setting out how we will create a greener, more sustainable CCC and work towards net zero emissions. Our Green Plan Annual Report 2022 sets out the progress we've made over the last year and what we will be doing over the next 12 months, focusing in particular on green travel, energy, waste and green spaces.

Highlights include:


We got a great response to our staff travel survey last autumn and are now putting the final touches on our Green Travel Plan to help people choose greener ways of commuting to and from work. In the meantime, we have also launched a new season ticket loans scheme for staff and shared information about public transport discounts and special offers, along with details of e-bike and e-scooter hire in Liverpool.


Energy costs have been on everyone’s minds lately but we’ve also been working hard to reduce emissions by being more energy-efficient. CCC-Liverpool has a smart building management system that provides data to help continually enhance energy-efficiency. We’ve been putting that into practice and plan energy-efficiency improvements at other sites over the next year. This includes estates upgrades at CCC-Wirral. We will also be looking at digital energy-efficiency.


We’ve done a lot of work over the last year to audit what happens to our waste and support staff initiatives around reuse and recycling. This work will continue over the next year and we will at how we can reduce, recycle or reuse even more across all our sites.


Green spaces and biodiversity aren’t just good for the environment; they’re also good for health and wellbeing. Over the last year, we’ve started work on a woodland glade at CCC-Wirral and made contact with NHS Forest and other partners who can help us make this a fantastic space for patients, staff and relatives. We’ve completed a full audit of green spaces across all three cancer centres and plan to develop our outdoor spaces at CCC-Liverpool over the next year.