Clinical Education team honoured with award

Posted 15th June 2018

Congratulations to our Clinical Education team who have been recognised by students for their outstanding contribution to learning.

Beccy Hewins and Mandy Boyles, pictured below, took home the award for Outstanding Contribution to Practice Learning at the Supporting Learners in Clinical Practice Conference held at Edge Hill University in Lancashire.

Beccy said she and the team of Practice Education Facilitators were particularly proud that it was students themselves who had recognised their hard work and dedication to helping shape the future of health practitioners.

The nominating students said the award was “for supporting students and providing an in depth welcome day for new students on placement within the Trust. They contribute to make a high quality learning environment for all learners”.

She added: “The award for Outstanding Contribution to Practice learning came as a huge surprise, this made us feel incredibly proud that students had nominated us and they value the support and education we provide whilst they are on placement.

“This award means a great deal to us both, the PEF team will continue to ensure The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre offers high quality learning environments for all learners.”

The Conference was developed to provide a forum to both celebrate and share the excellent practice within the local health economy and discuss and agree solutions to the challenges of working with students in practice.