Clatterbridge experts in urgent cancer care podcast

Posted 12th October 2023

Experts from The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust have featured in a new podcast about the work they are leading to enhance urgent and emergency care for people with cancer in Cheshire and Merseyside.

Consultant Medical Oncologist Dr Ernie Marshall and Head of Transformation Mel Warwick, both from The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, talked about their pioneering work in the podcast with Dr Ragit Varia, a Consultant in Acute Medicine at Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, and presenter Caroline Kenyon from Health Innovation North West Coast.

Dr Marshall and Mel have been driving urgent cancer care transformation in Cheshire and Merseyside, providing oversight and leadership of this programme and working in partnership with colleagues in other hospitals as well as the wider health and social care community.

Cheshire and Merseyside has been leading the way nationally in enhancing care for people with cancer who need urgent advice or treatment for complications of their cancer or side-effects from cancer treatment. The work also includes enhancing care for those people who only find out they have cancer after going to an emergency department (ED / A&E) because they are feeling very unwell.

The aim is to reduce the need for people with cancer to attend busy emergency departments and to reduce the likelihood of them being admitted to acute hospitals unless necessary. Cancer experts from The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre have been working with acute hospitals (i.e. those with emergency departments), primary care and others in health and social care.

You can find out more about this pioneering work by listening to the Health Innovation North West Coast podcast.

Picture below shows (l-r): Dr Ragit Varia (Consultant in Acute Medicine at Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals); Dr Ernie Marshall (Consultant Medical Oncologist at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre); Mel Warwick (Head of Transformation at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre)
