​Chief Executive conquers fear of heights for The Clatterbridge Cancer Charity

Posted 17th March 2017

The Chief Executive of The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust is skydiving for charity – despite being terrified of heights.

Andrew Cannell will take part in the tandem jump later this month in aid of The New Cancer Hospital Appeal.

He decided to join a group of people taking part in The Clatterbridge Cancer Charity’s Skydive Sunday, even though he suffers from acrophobia, the irrational fear of heights, although he thinks it is perfectly sensible to be terrified of being 10,000ft in the air.

His son Rory, 19, who is a fan of roller coasters, will join him in completing a dive on 26th March as part of the drive to raise £15 million towards the building of a new specialist cancer hospital in Liverpool city centre.

Andrew said: “This is a fear to be conquered and what better way to do it than a skydive? It is also a fantastic opportunity to proactively support The New Cancer Hospital Appeal.”

Laughing, he added: “I am sure there are plenty of members of staff who will be pleased to see me jumping out of a plane but I can assure them, I will definitely have a parachute.”

Skydive Sunday is one of a host of events taking place this year to raise much needed funds towards the construction of the hospital in Liverpool city centre.

Those taking part complete a tandem dive from 10,000ft, with the potential to increase the height to 15,000ft. They free-fall at an exhilarating 120mph before the parachute opens and they steer into the drop zone.

Training takes place on the day and the landing is controlled by the instructor who jumps in tandem with the fundraiser. Skydive Sunday happens at Black Knights Parachute Centre in Cockerham, near Lancaster.

Andrew said: “I have a genuine fear of heights. I can’t even look over a balcony so this is certainly going to be a challenge.

“I chose the hashtag #ihateheights for my tweets about the jump and it couldn’t be more apt.

“All the costs on the day are covered so every penny I raise will be going to the Appeal.

“Now I am hoping to pass the baton onto some of my colleagues and see if I can encourage them to do it next year. Funnily enough, they all seem busy.”

To sponsor Andrew go to www.justgiving.com/AndrewCannell?utm_id=17